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The way to a happy life

Drop the Ego, embrace the Soul

Bottled up feelings, unaddressed emotions, inherited family beliefs and other conditioning weigh you down and inevitably build into tension, stress, and anxiety. This not only ends up straining the mind and body but also preventing you from creating authentic and meaningful connections.


They say that life is suffering, but I believe that life is a beautiful journey and it is all up to you which path to choose.

And 'life is too short to drink bad wine'. So many people get stuck in negative feelings and emotions because their Ego keeps them stuck. They hold on to pride, hold grudges, resentment without realizing that a moment turns into years, time slips through your fingers and before you know life has passed you by and you are still in the same place you have always been.


There is a lot of beautiful things inside of people, but we must go beyond the constant clamor of ego to upgrade to the realm of the soul.

Improving is not about being better than others, it is all about your own evolution and being better than you were last day.

And while the ego is our 'tool' to help us cope with emotional pain, it is less than useless when it comes to our spiritual evolution. Because the ego loves to judge everyone and everything based on appearance, achievements and possessions. It loves to be right and right divide people into winners and losers. The ego only leads to feelings like pride, resentment, confrontation, hostility ... that will keep you stuck in your growth and will pull you apart from others.